How Do I Book Practice Ice?
Practice ice can be booked on the calendar online. To view a walkthrough of the process, click here.
How Do I Cancel Practice Ice That I Have Booked?
You can cancel scheduled practice ice on the "My Ice Bookings" page. To view a walkthrough of the process, click here.
Why Was My Practice Ice Cancelled?
Scheduling make-up games is our top priorty for the ice times that are available outside of clinics, events, and league games. Unfortunately, this means that on occaison we need to cancel practice ice because of the scheduling conflicts of some league teams. Thank you for your understanding and look forward to seeing you on the ice.
How Can I Sign Up For A League?
You can view a walkthrough of the League sign up process here. It includes the process of signing up for the full series and signing up as a Spare.
How Do I Reschedule My League Game?
To reschedule a game:
- Reach out to the opposing team with your request to reschedule the game.
- The team which is being asked to reschedule will then visit the online calendar and select 2 available sheets of open ice time within the time frame of that series that they are available to play at. They, will then communicate those options to the team that is asking to reschedule.
- If the team requesting the rescheduling are unable to play during those times, they will default the game. If they are available to play during one of those times, both teams need to email Karen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with the request to reschedule the game so she can change it online. Karen needs to be given at least 72 hours notice of the change.
In the email to Karen, please include the following information:
- The date and time of the sheet you would like to book
- The date and time of the game you are rescheduling
- The league the game is for
I Forgot To Input The Game's Score Before I Left - How Can I Submit The Score Online?
To enter your score online, by visiting "Game Result Entry" under the "League Information" navigation header (or by clicking here).
Did you know: you can enlarge the text on the score entry screen in the Curling Lounge by using two fingers and zooming in?
I Can't Attend My Next Game - How Can I Find A Spare?
You can view a list of all the available Spares for your league by visiting "Sparing Lists" under the "League Information" header. Then, select the league you need a Spare for and you will find a list of players available to sub in for your game. Once you have found a Spare, notify your Skip ASAP of who will be taking your place.
You can also view all the Sparing Lists by clicking here.
How Can I Sign Up For An Event?
You can register for any event on the "Events/Clinic Registration" page under the "Registrations" navigation header. To view a walkthrough of the process, click here.
How Can I Sign Up For A Bonspiel At Another Ice Rink?
If you wish to participate in a bonspiel event that is happening at another curling facility, we have 2 binders that we post outside curling bonspiels to.
- Mixed and day/evening ladies events can be found in the binder in the Curling Office
- Men's and senior men's events can be found in the binder hanging on the Men's bulletin board
Do I Need To Wear A Helmet While I Am Curling?
All Curlers are strongly encouraged to wear protective headgear while on the ice to keep themselves safe. However, protective headgear is only mandatory for all Junior Curlers ages 12 and under.
Where Can I Find A Reminder Of the BGCC Dresscode?
You can find a reminder of the dresscode for the clubhouse and the curling ice here.
How Does BGCC Keep The Ice So Great?
You can find a walkthrough of our ice pebbling process here.
How Can I Help Keep The Ice Clean?
This is simple! Keep your curling shoes clean and don't wear dirty boots/shoes in the lounge so we can keep sand and salt off the ice. Also, check your gripper regularly and replace it at least once a year.